At Barley Wellness, we follow the Ideal Protein Weight Management Protocol, a specific program to help you lose weight, develop the ability to keep it off for good, and learn what foods are best for you and what foods can harm you in your journey to better health.
If you’re like most Americans struggling to maintain a healthy weight, you’ve tried a myriad of other diets with both success and failure. Success in that you lost weight, but failure in that it came back…and then some. We understand. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is ladened with sugar, fat, and salt. These things may be delicious, but they are highly addictive and detrimental to our weight which, as research shows, ultimately impacts our health.
We know one-size-does-not-fit-all in weight management and that’s why our program is tailored to you. We use a 3-Phase program that helps you lose weight safely and easily, stabilize your weight loss using a proprietary algorithm called the MACRO CODE to maintain your weight long-term.
Weight Loss
New Patient Special
$49 Complete Weight Loss Health Screening
How We Help You Lose Weight in Fairhaven, MA
Phase 1 – Weight Loss
In the first phase, we will introduce you to our FDA label-approved partial meal replacements. These meals are balanced so you receive the proper amount of macronutrients – adequate protein, healthy fats, and reduced carbohydrates – as well as the proper micronutrients – vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are calculated to ensure that your body receives all its Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) while you’re dieting. We also tell you what whole foods to eat so that our all-encompassing program maintains your muscle mass and burns your fat stores for energy.
Phase 2 – Stabilization
In the stabilizing phase, we provide you with our proprietary, unique-to-you MACRO CODE. This code tells you exactly what types of foods and how many servings of those foods will keep your weight exactly where you want to keep it after weight loss!! This system is brand new and revolutionary in the dieting industry. Come learn about your MACRO CODE!
Phase 3 – Maintenance
The maintenance phase will continue to educate you on what types of foods and how much of them you should be eating. We’ll discuss what your plate should look like every time you sit down to a meal. As you go through our program you will learn about certain behaviors and habits to adopt and ones we’ll help you let go of, to make living a healthy lifestyle affordable and easy. We will also instruct you on how to increase activity without feeling like you’re exercising all the time. These lifestyle changes and nutritional education will help you hold on to your weight loss long-term.
One on One Coaching
Our certified coaches, trained in the specifics of our program, are our “special sauce”. and certified in our program. They meet with you weekly and provide one-on-one coaching at your convenience to help you every step of the way and provide you with accountability and compliance. You can participate on our FB page where our coaches post helpful tips, recipes, and food hacks to help you stay motivated and informed. You’ll even get free access to our app and all the educational materials within it.
We know one-size-does-not-fit-all when it comes to weight management. We are all unique. How one person reacts to certain food may be very different from how someone else reacts to the very same food. This matters when trying to maintain our weight loss. That’s why going through all three of the phases is so vitally important! Some patients think they are all set when they finish the weight loss phase. They are happy with their success and think, “I’ve got this!”. Those are the worst three words to our ears. We can tell you from experience that success is fleeting without completing Phase 2 and developing your MACRO CODE to help maintain your weight loss in Phase 3. Following the program all the way through is the key! Our coaches will be there to walk you through to the ultimate success – living in your new healthy body.
Your weight management journey is like a leaky roof. Stop yo-yo dieting and come learn about our long-term weight loss program. Wouldn’t you like this time to be your last diet?
“I was first introduced to the Ideal Protein Protocol by my Chiropractor, Dr. Dennis Barley. Through him, and his office at Barley Family Wellness, I was introduced to my Ideal Protein Coach, Tammy Mimoso. I’ve been overweight my whole life and have tried many different weight loss programs going as far back as the age of 9. Even after all those years, I hadn’t found the one that worked for me. Then I began the Ideal Protein Protocol. It works extremely well for me. I have never felt restricted. In fact, I felt full and satisfied all the way through by following this protocol.
The plan is very individualized to optimize weight loss for each person. I ended up on the alternative program by discussing my needs and concerns with both Dr. Barley and Tammy. They supported my needs and me. Not just my weight loss, but my overall wellness. I love to ask questions, sometimes too many. Tammy was right there with all the Ideal Protein answers every time I needed them. She would read through the information with me ensuring my comprehension and helped me to feel confident, comfortable, and well-informed in the Ideal Protein protocol every step of the way.
I’ve reached my first goal and lost 35 pounds, 10% of my body weight. That’s not something I’ve ever been able to accomplish with any other program. Tammy has been much more supportive and influential in my weight loss journey than any other dietician or coach that I’ve experienced in anything else that I have tried over the last 30+ years. I am thrilled to be able to say that I had her by my side for this first leg of my journey toward weight loss wellness.”
-Emily Bolinger
Conditions We Have Helped Through Our Weight Loss Program
In 2013, the American Medical Association (AMA) classified obesity as a complex, chronic disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn’t a cosmetic concern, it’s a medical problem that increases the risk of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. It is generally measured by either BMI (Body Mass Index), a calculation between your height and weight, or by waist circumference.
Adult Body Mass Index
1. If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range.
2. If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range.
3. If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range.
4. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.
Many doctors also measure a person’s waist circumference to help guide treatment decisions. Weight-related health problems are more common in men with a waist circumference over 40 inches (102 centimeters) and in women with a waist measurement over 35 inches (89 centimeters), because visceral fat, the “deadliest” fat, is highly inflammatory and sits around the midsection infiltrating visceral organs.
At Barley Wellness, if you are 100% compliant with our program, we can guarantee weight loss! Did we just say that? Yes! Why? Because weight gain or weight loss is not your fault. It’s all about your physiology. Neuro-hormonal reactions in your body cause weight gain and drive hunger and cravings. If you use food as medicine, you can change your physiology to your advantage. Come see for yourself.
Type 2 Diabetes
More than 34 million Americans have diabetes (about 1 in 10), and approximately 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes most often develops in people over age 45, but more and more children, teens, and young adults are also developing it. People with diabetes are at increased risk of serious health complications including premature death, vision loss, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and amputation of toes, feet, or legs due to neuropathy and circulatory issues.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreatic hormone, insulin, acts as a key and opens the door letting blood sugar into your cells to be used for energy. When you have T2D your cells become resistant to insulin, so the body must produce more of it (hyperinsulinemia) to get energy into the cells. When your cells are resistant and insulin can’t keep up with the high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), the stage is set for T2D.
Individuals with type 2 diabetes are typically prescribed one or more glucose-lowering medications, many of which have undesirable side effects like nausea, risk of cardiovascular complications, and weight gain. Besides these medications, diet plays a significant role in creating T2D and healing it. Recently, in a peer-reviewed publication, a clinical trial using our program showed how type 2 diabetics could be placed into remission and taken off their medications in 37% of the cases. Others were able to lower their medication dosage. Clinically we also see type 1 diabetics lowering the Hemoglobin A1c over time. As Hippocrates once said: “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”
High Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fat (also called a lipid) that your body needs to work properly. Too much bad cholesterol (LDL, VLDL) can increase your chance of heart disease, stroke, and other problems. The medical terms for high blood cholesterol are lipid disorder, hyperlipidemia, or hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol can be the side effect of a poor diet. Dyslipidemia, including cholesterol and triglycerides, is a broader term which means the body’s fats in the blood stream are just too high.
While doing our program many patients have noticed their blood work show a reduction in total cholesterol (TC) and “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and an increase in “good cholesterol” (HDL).
Belly Fat
Belly fat, or visceral fat, is body fat that is stored within the abdominal cavity near several important internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Visceral fat is sometimes referred to as ‘active fat’ because research shows that this type of fat plays a distinctive and potentially dangerous role in affecting how our hormones function. Storing higher amounts of visceral fat is associated with increased risks of several health problems including type 2 diabetes.
It is important to define the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fat that we store just under our skin. The fat we may be able to feel on our arms and legs is subcutaneous fat. A growing belly can be the result of both types of fat. There may be some subcutaneous fat we can feel just under the skin but we may also be storing significant extra fat within our abdomen where our organs reside. This intra-abdominal fat is our visceral fat and is highly inflammatory, releasing inflammation-promoting adipokines.
Carrying a high amount of visceral fat is known to be associated with insulin resistance, which can lead to glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes. Researchers have found that visceral fat secretes a protein called retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) which has been shown to increase resistance to insulin. This can lead us down the road of pre-diabetes and T2D. Harvard University states that diet and exercise are more effective at reducing visceral fat than the fat around our hips and thighs.
Losing Inches
Losing inches in your arms, thighs, chest, neck, and waist are all a part of our program. The Barley Wellness difference is that while losing fat, you are holding onto your muscle mass and sometimes gaining muscle. This is a good thing because muscle is the “engine” that burns fat. Muscle is denser and heavier than fat, so it’s possible to get thinner without actually seeing a change in your weight. This happens when you lose body fat while gaining muscle. Your weight may stay the same, even as you lose inches, a sign that you’re moving in the right direction. Another reason scale weight isn’t so reliable is that it changes all the time.
At Barley Wellness we use a bio-impedance scale that measures your:
- Weight
- Body fat %
- Fat mass
- Fat-free mass (muscle, bone, tissue, water)
- Muscle mass
- Total body water
- Total body water %
- Bone mass
- BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
- Visceral fat rating
- Chronological age
- Metabolic age
- BMI (Body Mass Index)
- Ideal body weight
- Degree of obesity
People always want to examine their chronological age (real age) vs. their metabolic age, or “healthy age”. You may be young as far as birthdays go, but your health says your older. One of the things our patient’s love to see is their metabolic age start to dip below their chronological age as they get healthier on our program. Losing inches is a great way to monitor your progress, you’ll be amazed at how many inches you can lose.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are 5 Foods That Burn Belly Fat?
Studies indicate that a diet rich in high protein foods such as eggs, fish, seafood, legumes, nuts, meat, and dairy results in overall less abdominal fat, more satiety, and an increased metabolic function. Adding fiber-rich foods to meals is also a key in keeping off the body fat as well as:
– Eating plenty of soluble fiber
– Not drinking too much alcohol
– Reducing your stress levels and practicing a sleep ritual
– Cutting back on carbs — especially refined carbs (soft drinks, fruit juices, etc)
3 Reasons Why the Weight You Lose Always Comes Back?
Many times, people believe that a diet is “one-and-done”. This is so far from the truth. Nutrition and health are lifelong endeavors. We want to arm you with all the tools you need for success so that we can make that endeavor as easy as possible for you. We will impart the know-how of how many servings of protein, fat, and carbohydrates are going to serve you well.
The typical commercial diets have the “3 Fatal Flaws”:
1. Not Enough Protein – The commercial dieting concept of “eat less, exercise more” is antiquated and erroneous. This process essentially starves the body, and people struggle to keep their weight off. The science of dieting goes beyond that, hormones and physiology play a role in how your body reacts to certain foods.
Most commercial diets reduce calories, but with that comes a reduction in macronutrients, including protein. If you reduce the amount of protein in your diet, your body will seek out energy from its own muscle and cause lean mass or muscle loss. This is bad because lean mass or muscle is the “engine” that burns calories. It’s also a great protector of weight regain after dieting. Because these diets typically have you lose muscle you are ripe for regaining the weight…and then some!
1. Too Many Carbohydrates – Most commercial diets are low-cal, low-fat diets that allow for too many carbohydrates. During the diet, you receive no real education on what, how, and when to eat. Once done dieting, you believe you are immune from regaining the weight when really your body will seek carbohydrates as a ready source of energy first. Post dieting, with muscle loss and the body’s perceived starvation alarm on, you seek the foods to directly increase energy and weight, driven by hunger and cravings: carbohydrates.
2. The Hunger Gap – Kevin Hall, Ph.D. studied metabolism and why most contestants on “The Biggest Loser” regained all of their weight and then some. He found an interesting finding called the “Energy Gap” or “Hunger Gap”. He found that when a person lost just 1kg (2.2lbs) of weight, the body tried to increase its caloric consumption by 100 calories. Also, after weight was lost, energy exertion was reduced. “Physical activity energy expenditure declines with weight loss unless its quantity or intensity increases to compensate.” So as hard as we try, our weight wants to return to its “set-point”, where it was before the diet. But there is hope, using food as medicine to regulate our hormones can change that.
What Is The Most Effective Diet For Weight Loss?
The most effective diet uses nutrition to take a body out of balance and return it to balance by educating you on how to stabilize and maintain long-term weight loss.
The most effective diet to lose weight is one that takes into consideration a food’s effect on our biology. Yes, you will lose weight when you reduce calories, but the regain/rebound is traumatic to the body and psyche when it leaves you feeling like a failure. You are not a failure, and it is NOT your fault!
Find a diet that will address the hormonal imbalance you are experiencing. When a patient has been suffering from unhealthy weight for years, typically that person enters our office in some state of insulin dominance and perhaps insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when insulin no longer works as well and the body hormonally adds weight. To change that we must change the composition of our diet to address the insulin issue and put that hormone back into balance. This we do when on our diet program.
What are the costs for a typical weight loss program like this?
Many commercial weight-loss plans cost a significant amount of money for you to lose the weight you want, but most of these are fads that are a “flash-in-the-pan” and not long-lasting. Some plans cost nothing using whole foods, but a big problem with those is that many times weight loss is nonexistent because the calories are too high or the carbohydrate and fat allowance too lenient. Another problem is once you’re off these diets your weight comes back with a vengeance. Most of the time these free plans do not work because you are not educated on what these foods are doing to your body when you’re eating them, your knowledge of what puts weight on and what can help you lose is just not there.
Our program addresses the hormonal issues of weight, educates you long-term, and is shown to be cost-neutral. We eliminate 60% of your food bill at the grocery store and fast-food restaurants, and as you move through the phases of the program the cost reduces. This plan uses partial meal replacements that are convenient, satiating, delicious, and improve your hormonal balance. That’s a diet of value, especially if you learn which foods can harm you and which foods can heal you for long-term weight stabilization and maintenance.
How Do I Lose 20 lbs In A Month?
Here are 10 of the best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds
1. Count Calories. Keep a journal. Eat your meals on a smaller plate. Drink out of a smaller glass.
2. Drink More Water. Get rid of sodas and juices. Yes, fruit juices! They have the same amount of sugar as cola and it comes in the form of liver-harming sugar: fructose. Tip: drink clear bone broth before dinner to not add calories but at the same time fill you up.
3. Increase Your Protein Intake. Adequate, not overabundant, protein has been shown to decrease belly fat and body weight. It may also promote feelings of fullness to reduce calorie intake.
4. Cut Your Carb Consumption. Decreasing your intake of refined carbs is another useful strategy to accelerate weight loss. Refined carbs have been stripped of their nutrient and fiber content during processing, resulting in a final product that is nutrient-poor. Typically, they have a high glycemic index, which means that they are digested and absorbed quickly. Rapid digestion leads to spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, followed by increased hunger.
5. Eat More Fiber. Fiber keeps you feeling full to reduce appetite and intake, which may boost weight loss.
6. Set a Sleep Schedule. Getting enough sleep and improving sleep quality could benefit weight loss. Conversely, sleep deprivation can lead to increased hunger and weight gain.
7. Stay Accountable. Staying accountable can help increase weight loss. Weighing yourself daily, keeping a food journal, and pairing up with a friend are all effective strategies to enhance weight loss.
8. Start Lifting Weights. Resistance training can help increase metabolism and preserve fat-free mass, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
9. Add Cardio. Cardio can increase your body’s calorie-burning quota to boost both weight and fat loss.
10. Eat Mindfully. Mindfulness is a practice that involves becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings while also shifting your focus to the present moment. Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness can help increase weight loss and decrease intake while also allowing you to enjoy your food.