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Chiropractic Helps Eliminate Migraines in Fairhaven, MA

By July 19, 2023No Comments
Chiropractic Helps Eliminate Migraines Chiropractor Near Me in Fairhaven, MA

How Chiropractic Helps Eliminate Migraines | Chiropractor for Migraines in Fairhaven, MA

This is Dr. Sheridan here at Barley Wellness and we’re here to talk to you about chiropractic and its role in the treatment of migraines today. And first of all, there’s a lot of underlying things that could be causing you to have migraines.

We Start with a Consultation and Exam to Find the Root Cause of Your Migraines

So we do a consultation and exam to make sure to rule out most big problems that might be contributing to that situation. But what we, as chiropractors, Our specialty is working with the spine. And there’s a lot that can be done for migraines. Working on the spine, that’s particularly the upper cervical spine. We see here, here’s the skull and the top few vertebra, the nerves come out in between the vertebrae to come back up towards your head. And if there’s a fixation or a misalignment of those vertebra, causing some irritation, those nerves that could be a big contributing factor to you having migraines.

So if you wanted to get checked out and try and find a natural solution to your migraines, why don’t you come by and check out and see what chiropractic can do. Thanks!

Barley Wellness

Our dedicated staff uses high-touch, high-tech advanced treatment options through a variety of medically developed programs to help you achieve your wellness objectives.

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