Chiropractic Approach to Relieving TMJ Pain | Chiropractor for TMJ in Fairhaven, MA I'm Dr. Susie and today we're going to talk about the TMJ or temporomandibular joint, we have…
How Barley Wellness Helps Athletes Excel | Chiropractor for Athletes in Fairhaven, MA Hi, everyone. My name is Dr. Dennis barley, and I'm here at barley wellness to talk about…
Ankle Sprain Treatment | Chiropractor for Athletes in Fairhaven, MA So, today we're going to talk about the inversion sprain. The inversion sprain is when the ankle turns inward.…
Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow Relief | Chiropractor for Athletes in Fairhaven, MA We have talked about the golfer's elbow, which are these muscles here, come into here and hook…
My name is Dr. Dennis Barley and I'm here at Barley Wellness in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Today we're going to talk about a great treatment option for sciatica. What is sciatica?...
I'm Dr. Dennis Barley at Barley Wellness here in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Today, we're talking about sciatica, which is that excruciating lower back into the buttocks down the back of the...
Hi, I'm Dr. Dennis barley here at Barley Wellness here in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Today we're talking about the proper treatment for sciatica and 5 exercises that you can do to...
Hi, I’m Dr. Sheridan and I’m going to be showing you different chiropractic adjustments for neck pain. We're going to go over what we're looking for and the different types...
Hi, I'm Dr. Soucie with Barley Wellness in Fairhaven, MA. I'm going to talk a little bit today about the shoulder, and treatment options that can help your shoulder pain....
I'm Dr. Dennis Barley from Barley Wellness Chiropractic here in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Today I'm talking about the best treatment options for sciatica and how we can do three at-home tests...